Report activity and analysis of the European insurance market published by Solvency II Wire in 2024 derived from data in the Solvency II Wire Data platform.
Forecasting the strength of the European insurance market
14 July 2024: Analysis conducted by Solvency II Wire Data reveals expected growth in assets under management and own funds reported in 2023 by European insurers, while solvency ratios remain stable.
5 September 2024: EIOPA Solvency II Insurance statistics published this week confirm market analysis conducted by Solvency II Wire Data predicting growth of European insurance market in 2023.
European insurance market assets and capital expected to rise in 2023 showed projected growth for the entire European insurance market based on a sample of 1,200 solo European insurers that have published their Solvency II disclosures for all years between 2016 and 2023.
Solvency II group analysis
In 2024 NN group was one of the earliest reporters of the 2023 year-end SFCRs. A series of articles on the development of the Solvency II ratio of major European insurance groups between 2016 – 2023 included other early reporters such as L&G solvency ratio down, ASR introduces tier 3 capital and LV= returns to tier 3 capital.
Drivers of Solvency II ratio change of 7 European insurance groups, 2022 – 2023 was published on 5 April; more than a month before the official publication data of group SFCRs.
Further group publications can be found here, alongside the news that AXA Group reported the highest Solvency II ratio to date and analysis of the insurance asset allocation of Europe’s largest groups, 2016 – 2023.
Early market insights
European insurance market insights 2023: 1st 500 QRTs, published on 15 April, two weeks after the official publication data of solo SFCRs, showed that 72% of firms in the sample reported an increase in their eligible own funds to meet the SCR compared to last year.

The first, of the (now famous) Solvency II Wire Data ‘peak charts’ was published in European insurance market insights 2023: 1,000 QRTs fully processed, two weeks later, followed by the annual ‘First 30 day market report’: 30 days on, 14 European insurers with SCR ratio below 120%.

Eight year Solvency II country analysis
A series of country specific publications include histogram based analysis of UK Solvency ratio distribution 2016 – 2023, and analysis of the German, Dutch and Luxembourg markets.

Beyond Solvency II
Following the success of the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) market data collection and the publication of the Switzerland insurance market analysis 2023 further analysis of the Bermuda insurance market was published in 2024.
2024 saw the publication of the first Lloyd’s Syndicate Report data by Solvency II Wire Data, which included a multi-year analysis of the number of Lloyd’s managing agencies and syndicates and Aviva Probitas acquisition – a Lloyd’s market dashboard.

Further analysis and innovation
2024 also saw the launch of the Solvency II Wire SFCR Analysis Hub, which brings together research published by users of the Solvency II Wire Data insurance database.
Some of the highlights include the 8th annual Solvency II survey from LCP, the Solvency & Reinsurance in Europe and the European Captives Analytical Review by SCOR, and several country analysis papers from Milliman.
November saw the launch of the Captive Insurance Hub, a database of captive insurers based in Europe and the UK subject to Solvency II.
The service, which is part of the Solvency II Wire Data offering, includes full text search of insurance general accounts, annual reports, ESG reports and Solvency and Financial Condition reports (SFCR).
And finally …
AI image generation tool prompt: Create a Solvency II review 2024 image.
Result: …

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