Category: LTG
Archive of Solvency II Wire articles relating to the treatment of Long-Term Guarantees under Solvency II.
Two absurd departures from economic reality
January 21, 2016
LTG disclosure is the way
June 3, 2014
Two lessons from Solvency II
March 3, 2014
Omnibus II trilogue today
November 13, 2013
Solvency II: Three principles to respect
October 23, 2013
A fixed UFR – a costly mistake?
October 16, 2013
Omnibus II trilogues riding high on optimism
September 25, 2013
Beware of excessive LTG measures
August 24, 2013
The Negotiator
July 12, 2013
Technically solid, politically limited
June 28, 2013
Nordic LTG Symposium: introduction
June 24, 2013
Nordic LTG Symposium: a Swedish perspective
June 21, 2013
Nordic LTG Symposium: a Finnish perspective
June 18, 2013
Nordic LTG Symposium: a Danish perspective
June 16, 2013
The ramifications of extrapolations
April 24, 2013
Conflicting objectives led to Solvency II LTG ‘mess’
March 24, 2013
An actuarial view of market consistency
December 16, 2012
On the role of the liquidity premium in the regulation of insurers
October 10, 2012
A prudential regulatory issue at the heart of Solvency II
October 10, 2012
LTG Symposium: response to industry comment
October 5, 2012