Solvency II Wire Data Innovation Timeline

Solvency II Wire Data is an innovative insurance database of the Solvency II SFCR data provided by Solvency II Wire.

To view a list of features see the Solvency II Wire Data Innovation Timeline.

Solvency II Wire Data logo
Europe says Yes to Solvency II

Stepping into the world of data

Solvency II Wire takes its first steps towards data collection with analysis of 5,766 responses to the EIOPA Guidelines and the launch of the Solvency II interactive implementation map
UI hand written sketch

Early planning

The idea for creating a database of the Solvency II public disclosures, what would later become Solvency II Wire Data, began sometime in 2015.

First prototype

By mid summer of 2016 a prototype system was deployed locally and by the end of the year the database contained quarterly and annual information for over 170 companies spanning several years.
QRT Filter

Solvency II Wire Data is launched

A database of all the Solvency II templates (QRTs) is released online on 19 May 2017, the official publication date of the first set of Solvency II disclosures – Solvency II Wire Data is launched.
Side by side view

Side by Side QRT View

Viewing the QRTs and SFCRs of two companies on a single page.

Chart Library

The first chart library comparing QRT data with voluntary data provided in previous years

Multi currency and home currency export

Data export in all major currencies or home currency.

EIOPA and NCA market data

Official market statistics from EIOPA and NCAs added to the data export.

User interface upgrade

Complete revamp of the user interface, including upgrades of many existing functions.

Pdf Indexer

Easy navigation of the SFCR table of content.

Internal Model Comparator tool

Internal Model Comparator tool - matching the SCR components of internal model firms to the standard formula risk categories.


Introdcution of a unique Solvency II Wire Data company code.

Side by Side View upgrade

Improved functionality of the Side by Side view including a quick toggle between SFCR and QRTs.

Filter Presets

Save and recall filter and chart presets.

Market exposure based on S.05.02

Calculate market exposure based on template S.05.02.

Top 10 Companies List

Sort companies by value of any cell in the QRTs

Export Validation

Flag errors at source in the data export.

SFCR List upgrade

Improved SFCR List functionality.

Ratios Filter

Filter companies by ratios of two pre-defined QRT cells.

SFCR Data – Market Sensitivities & SCR Components

Extracting additional data from the SFCR text.

SFCR Text Search

Introducing full text search of SFCR reports.

Solvency II Wire Data – green launched

Solvency II Wire Data - green, a climate disclosure portal providing full text search of insurance climate disclosures.

New User Interface


New Dataset: Bermuda Financial Condition Reports and Annual Reports

Introducing Bermuda Financial Condition Reports and Annual Reports for all years from 2016.

New Dataset: Lloyd’s Market data

Introducing Lloyd’s Syndicate and Annual Report data for all years since 2016


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