Experimental financial statistics for UK insurance sector using Solvency II data

Experimental financial statistics for UK insurance sector using Solvency II data

Model change impacts on the solvency of European insurers

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The average ratio for the sample (which excludes outliers above 10,000% and below 0%) was 247% in 2017 compared to 258% in 2017

Solvency II Wire News: SCR ratio analysis of over half of the European Solvency II market

Shifts in SCR ratios 2016-2017

Shifts in SCR ratios 2016-2017, 200+ European insurers

Neuigkeiten über Solvabilität II: Die ersten Berichte über Solvabilität und Finanzlage (SFCR) und Formulare für quantitative Meldungen (QRT) aus 2017 zeigen Veränderungen in Solvabilität II auf.

Rückversicherungen und öffentliche Publikationen von Solvabilität II

Insurance groups early publication of Solvency II disclosures

Nouvelles de Solvabilité II: Les premieres SFCRs et QRTs de 2017 révélont les transformations en Solvabilité II

Anstieg der Anzahl der Versicherungsgesellschaften, die in der Nähe ihres Zielsolvenskapitals (SCR) sind

Kasvava määrä vakuutusyhtiöitä seilaa lähellä vakavaraisuuspääomavaatimuksen (SCR) rajoja

Quantité des compagnies d’assurance approchant les limites de capital de solvabilité requis (SCR) augmente

Dutch insurance groups and other insurers publish first Solvency II SFCRs and QRTs 2017

Dutch insurance groups and other insurers publish first Solvency II SFCRs and QRTs 2017

Reinsurance and the Solvency II public disclosures

NN Group published SFCR and QRT for 2017

SCR components of firms with SCR ratio less than 120%

Insurance run-off and Solvency II, more firms sail close to the wind

Solvency II News: 1st 2017 SFCRs and QRTs reveal picture of Solvency II shifts

SFCR comparison tools – Solvency II Wire Data

Side by Side View upgrade

ize of the European insurance Solvency II market

Solvency II News: The number of Solvency II firms revisited, again