An updated version of the tripartite data exchange table (TPT) was released on 13 October 2015. TPT Version 3.0 includes the ECB data requests, a number of improvements of the codes and additional explanations. The TPT offers a common data exchange template to support the demands of Solvency II asset data requirements. The template, which is free to use, was initiated by three investment associations in France, Germany and the UK and sponsored by the French asset management association. A European Solvency II Working Group (ESIIWG) manages and updates the template. The initiative was first unveiled in September 2014 and has been welcomed by EIOPA as well as a number of national competent authorities. It has gathered momentum since. “The template has been welcomed by asset managers and insurers. As of now ten European investment associations and EFAMA are on board and are promoting the use of the template to their members,” Ghislain Perisse, head of insurance business development at AXA Investment Management, told Solvency II Wire. “The initiative has also been welcomed by insurance associations and is becoming a common feature in many Solvency II data RFPs.” Mr Perisse, who began the initiative in the French market and is a founding member of Club AMPERE and of the ESIIWG, believes the adoption of the template is due to the fact that it offers simplification and helps to cut the cost of reporting. The TPT is a joint initiative of the Investment Association in the UK, Club AMPERE in France and the German investment association (BVI). It is sponsored by the French Asset Management Association (AFG). The latest xls version of the template and an accompanying Q&A document are available on the Investment Association website. Other language versions may be found on the respective European investment associations’ websites. — To subscribe to the Solvency II Wire mailing list for free click here. ]]>