[adsanity id=1583064 align=aligncenter /] Sponsored by 7 April 2014, 16:00 – 18:00 Paris, offices of Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking The meeting was attended by members of the following organisations: AXA IM, Directorate-General of the French Treasury, Fédération nationale de Mutualité Française (FNMF), La Mutuelle Générale, Rivages Investments, Standard & Poor’s and Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking. Chair: Gideon Benari, Editor, Solvency II Wire The Solvency II Wire Regular Meeting Group brings together a wide range of practitioners to discuss Solvency II and related matters. The following is a summary of the key discussion topics addressed at the meeting.
A number of recurring global themes with some specific national issues emerged in the discussion. Key concerns included capital requirements, proportionality and reporting.