public consultation on the Solvency II XBRL taxonomy has been the decision to align its taxonomies more closely with those of the European Banking Authority (EBA). A taxonomy is like a dictionary that defines each item of the reporting template in XBRL. It translates real world business concepts (such as balance sheet items, interest rates, etc) into a series of unique and interrelated XBRL elements which are used to produce a valid business report using the XBRL format. “One of the elements that came out of the consultation was the request to be aligned with developments that were taking place in the EBA,” Patrick Hoedjes, Director of Operations and Chairman of the IT and Data Committee at EIOPA, told Solvency II Wire. “While we are not going to fully copy their methodology, we are going to align it in a way that technically both the taxonomies are compatible. This is a great step forward but that means more time for development is needed on our side.” The EBA is using a Data Modelling approach to construct the XBRL taxonomies for its supervisory reporting frameworks, COREP (Common Reporting) and FINREP (Financial Reporting). The Data Model is also intrinsically compatible with some dimensions of the ECB statistics reporting templates. Aligning the taxonomies as closely as possible is beneficial both to reporting entities and those who collect the data, as it reduces duplications and increases efficiency. According to Derek De Brandt, Chair of the COREP/FINREP/SOLVENCY II Harmonisation Working Group at XBRL Europe, “For all those who must prepare data and all those who collect it, it is a tremendous benefit if they use XBRL in the same way. Creating commonalities between the reporting frameworks will reduce investment costs for filers who are dealing with multiple frameworks.”
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