Solvency II News: The state of SFCR disclosures, two weeks on

A review of 1,700 websites of the estimated 3,200 firms subject to Solvency II reveals that only about half of firms have published their SFCRs to date.

The research conducted by Solvency II Wire Data examined a number of major European markets including the UK, Germany, Ireland, Italy and France (300 sites out of c.500).

A sample of the 880 SFCRs collected continues to support the evidence that reporting quality is high and, in most cases, complete. A number of firms have also chosen to publish their reported QRT templates.

The average SCR coverage ratio for a sample of 130 firms from across the market is 294%, ranging from -73% for Municipal Mutual Insurance to 6,003% for Standard Life Assurance Company 2006. The average MCR ratio coverage for the sample is 660%, ranging from -263% for Municipal Mutual Insurance, to 3,199% for Hawthorn Life Limited.

A number of firms have an MCR ratio higher than their SCR ratio.

Solvency II Wire Data (premium) is collecting information for the entire European insurance industry. Figures are update on the site daily.

Solvency II Wire Data is a simple and powerful tool for analysis of all available Solvency II public disclosures across Europe from Solvency II Wire.