Analysis of 100 SFCR and QRT reports reveals high quality of Solvency II public disclosures

Data from the Solvency and Financial Condition Reports (SFCR) and Quantitative Reporting Templates (QRT) of over 100 insurance entities (mostly solo) analysed by Solvency II Wire Data reveals high quality of public disclosures.

The quality of the data will help to facilitate better analysis and comparison of figures between companies, despite known issues with the Solvency II data. A number of groups (e.g. L&G, NN, esure, & Unum) have published their figures earlier than the official publication date (30 June).

The early publication is turning analysts’ attention to the groups, although solo filings may contain additional information. For example, Zürich Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft (DE), Aviva Annuity UK and Euler Hermes (BE) provided additional sensitivity analysis. The amount of additional information varies considerably between solo entities and across countries.

Some UK groups (Rothesay, PIC, LV, Just Retirement) have obtained a waiver from publishing solo SFCRs. A full list can be found on the FCA website under the Waivers section:

Solvency II Wire Data (premium) is collecting information for the entire European insurance industry. Figures are update on the site daily.

Solvency II Wire Data is a simple and powerful tool for analysis of all available Solvency II public disclosures across Europe from Solvency II Wire.
