Using the guide:
- The guide highlights the webpages containing Solvency II related documents, it is not a comprehensive directory of the website.
- Documents are selected and grouped based on practical application e.g. by pillar, subject, type, etc. As a result duplicates will appear in different sections.
- Each folder contains a link to the relevant webpages and a list of the files on the page.
- Introducing Solvency II
- Solvency II Implementing Technical Standards and Guidelines
- Timeline
- Solvency II Interim Guidelines
- Reporting formats
- Solvency II Technical Specifications
- European Commission
- Submissions to the EU and Quantitative Impact Studies
- Press releases
- Technical implementation
- Planning 2016
- Full Solvency II Reporting
- ECB add-ons
- Preparatory Phase
- Related links: Reporting formats (previous versions) XBRL Europe Eurofiling Community Tool for Undertakings (T4U)
- Technical Standards
- EIOPA Opinions: EIOPA opinions on different issues related to its areas of competence.
- EIOPA Guidelines
- Annual Reports
- Submissions to the EC
- Standards, Guidelines and Recommendations: all measures, aimed at contributing to the consistent implementation of the Community Directives
- Protocols: protocols relating to the collaboration of supervisory authorities
- Reports: final reports, surveys and other analytic publications
- SII – Final L2 Advice
- Financial Stability: reports on Financial Conditions and Stability
- Requests for Advice
- Letters of Comments: comments and opinions submitted to other institutions than the European Commission
- Register of Insurance Undertakings
- Register of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision